Friday, March 28, 2008

More Easter Breakfast Pictures from Stephanie

Our Easter Breakfast was a time of great fellowship as you can see from the following photos.

Some of our "master"cooks, Tony, Garth, Dennis and Cliff, model their aprons.

Mike, Ernie, Tony, Dennis, Cliff and Steve keep us well fed.

Make sure you get enough pancakes Pr. Daryl! You still have a sermon to preach!

The early birds get the worm (or pancakes in this case!)

Have you tried this syrup yet? It has no calories!!!

Would you like a cup of coffee with that?

Are these pancakes good! I didn't have to cook them myself!

Coffee tops off a good breakfast!

Carolie is sure to keep her neighbours entertained!

This is a great way to feed your guests!

Well, Let's see. Should I go for seconds?

Remember when??

Do we need introductions here? I doubt it! We've already met.

I had better finish this! I have to play the piano this morning!

That was a good meal! Now we have to let it digest!

Who wants to eat when you can play with your best friend? Christa and Nyah enjoy the nursery room.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dedication Sunday

Our Dedication Service for our beautiful new church is on April 20th at 2:30 pm. Please join us if you can! We are located at 601 Ash St. N. - just across from LCBI!

God said in Isaiah 56: 7, “for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all people.”

Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Outlook is a house of worship for all people.

Please join us for the Dedication Service of the new
Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church on

Sunday, April 20, 2008 at 2:30 p.m.

Service begins outside.

Coffee and fellowship to follow.

We sincerely hope that you will accept our invitation and join us on this special day.

Easter Pancake Breakfast

On March 23, Easter Sunday, the church council and spouses cooked up a mess of pancakes and sausages for the congregation to enjoy before the Easter Service.

Togetherness is... cooking Easter Breakfast at the church.
Garth, Maureen, Bea, Tony and Dennis keep busy in the kitchen.

There are lots of toppings to choose from.
Ernie, Bruce, Kristie and Jorgen fill their plates.

The round tables in the parish hall make fellowship much easier.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Easter Bulletin Board

Please join us for our Easter Activities at OUR NEW CHURCH!

Tuesday, March 18: The Last Week - An Easter Cantata at 7:30 pm. Coffee and fellowship to follow in the fellowship hall.

Wednesday, March 19: 7:00 AM: Mission Prayer Breakfast hosted by the Olson's in the Fireside Lounge.

Thursday, March 20: 7:30 pm: Maundy Thursday Worship with Communion.

Friday, March 21: 11:15 am: Good Friday Worship Service.

Sunday, March 22: NO 9:00 worship service. NO Sunday School.
Easter Breakfast at 9:30 am followed by Easter Communion Worship Service at 11:15 am.

Some Final Activities at the Old Church

We have moved into the new church but a few activities were still held at the old church. On March 11, approximately 17 ladies and 4 LCBI students gathered to sew layette items and pack them in boxes.

We work hard so certainly enjoy our coffee breaks. Here we stop for morning coffee. We had to sit around the table for coffee as the youth room was empty of furniture. (At least it isn't hard to get out of THESE chairs!)

Lila concentrates on getting that placket just right!

The Button Brigade! Catherine, Mary, Isabel and Doreen work hard to sew buttons on nightgowns and shirts.

Darlene mans the sewing machine while Ruby and Mary sew on buttons.

Byrdie sews on buttons while Carol and Sandra cut out gowns and blankets.

Carrie and Leslie are pros at sewing!

LCBI students Nicole and Ashalee pack layettes into the boxes Lowell gathered from Riverbend Coop and Ag Food.

LCBI students, Ashalee and Desi try to fit one more quilt into the box.

Tony, Ron and Elaine tote guns! (Tape guns that is)

Once the boxes are taped, Lila and Lorne add the labels.

Elaine just had to have a ride in the elevator so volunteered to help take the packed boxes upstairs!

On March 15, the Mortgage Reduction Committee organized a bake sale. We raised over $1300 from the sale so the workers will be happy about that!

The tables were full of delicious baking to choose from!

It's always good to sit around and talk at a Tea and Bake Sale.

Kirsti, Mari and Leslie are ready to take your Money!

The beautifully decorated tables made it easier to enjoy the occasion!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Video of first service

March 9th, 2008 saw our first Sunday morning service in the new church building:

Videographer's notes: the sound system in the new church hasn't been fully set up yet, so some of the audio is a little faint. There is also a small "jump" during the prayers following the sermon where the tape in the camera was changed - approximately one minute of footage was lost due to this.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Opening Day Service - March 9, 2008

March 9 was an exciting day for our congregation! We had our first worship service in the new church! Praise be to God!

Many Sunday School students came early eager to see where their new classrooms would be!

The students gather together for the opening.

The nursery class will certainly enjoy their new surroundings!

The adult Sunday School met in the fireside lounge.

People came early and found a welcoming area in the parish hall.

Edith Vinge, one of our older members, enjoys a visit with Claudia Lammers, one of our youngest members before service.

The Sunday School expressed their joy with a procession of flags during the service.

People lined up for coffee and goodies after service.

A good visit was had by all!!

Getting Ready

Friday and Saturday were very busy days as the last jobs were done and final cleaning completed. Our tiles in the front entrance and on the fireplace were done on Friday and Saturday.

Jean Guy, a fellow believer from Dalmaney believes God gave him the opportunity to work on our fireplace.

The tiling is professionally done and awaiting the mantel
and grouting.

Our sanctuary is beautiful and seems so worshipful. After we were finished with the final cleaning, we sat at the back of the church enjoying the ambiance and reflecting on the many miracles that brought this together.

Close up of the communion table.