Thursday, December 27, 2007

Touring the new church

The new church was open on December 25 from 2 pm to 4 pm and on December 26th from 9 am to 11 am for tours. Thank you to Lyla, Martyn and Ron for hosting the tours.

Helen guides her own family as they tour the secretary's office and the pastor's office.

The Sanctuary is an impressive area to tour.

The sound booth area was very interesting.

It's always good to get ideas and comments from supportive exports!

The wall dividing the sanctuary from the entry way.

Our kitchen is beginning to take shape.

The window to the parish hall from the fireside lounge is framed out now!

There is still lots of millwork to be installed!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Come and Visit!

The building committee announced that the new church will be open for tours on December 25 from 2 pm to 4 pm and on December 26 from 9 am to 11 am. Everybody is welcome to come and see what will soon be our church home.

We hope to have our first service in the new church on March 9, 2008. Our annual meeting, on February 10, will be held in the new church. Exciting times are ahead!

Church council has also announced that we are accepting bids for the old church building. Please contact Tony at 306-867-8034 or the church office at 306-867-8812 if you, or someone you know, is interested, in buying it. The old pews will also be for sale.

May you and your families be blessed with a very Happy and meaningful Christmas celebrating the birth of our Saviour!

You are welcome to come and worship with us. Our Christmas schedule is as follows:
Dec. 23 - one service at 11:15 am.
Dec. 24 - Candlelight service at 7:30 pm.
Dec. 25 - one service at 11:00 am.
Dec. 30 - one service at 11:15 am.

Last pictures before Christmas!

Yes , they are still very busy at the new church! There is painting, electrical, plumbing and carpentry work being done. The painting, electrical and plumbing will be at or near completion by Christmas time. The carpenters are busy framing and installing doors. By next week, we hope to see some of the flooring people. They will have to prepare the floors before they can actually lay flooring. Some of the cabinetry is being installed and the material has been ordered for the altar furnishings. Praise be to God for all the blessings we have experienced with this building project!

It is hard to get a good picture in the bright sun! The front glass doors have been installed and they are busy finishing off the inside part of the entry way.

The electricians are busy finishing off the electrical work. Here they are working on the sound booth area.

The upright freezer and the fridge have arrived! These should be much more energy efficient than the old clunker we now have!

Our ever faithful site manager, Bob, is busy installing the kitchen cupboards.

The Fireplace still needs to be framed but the walls are painted and window trim done!

Most of the doors and framing has been installed in the Sunday School area.

The nursery is painted a lovely blue. I am sure our youngest members will appreciate the bright, but calming colour!

The nursery has a small window looking into the sanctuary.

The secretary's office and the pastor's office are both painted maroon. Pr. Daryl says it really doesn't matter as when he gets all his book shelves up, you won't be able to see the walls anyway!

The half wall behind the altar area has its first coat of maroon paint. The wood cross will accent this area.

It takes many workers to build a church like this. Here, you see someone staining the trim, another installing the door frames and Helen, our volunteer coordinator.

Friday, December 7, 2007

More Photos

Work has been progressing at the new church. Painting is in full swing, millwork is ready to be installed and some electrical and plumbing work remains to be done.

Site manager Bob, takes Pr. Daryl and Tony on a tour.

Bob has started installing kitchen cabinets.

The doors are in but need the final framing and weather proofing. Our dishwasher and drain table have arrived and need installing as well.

The Youth room is near completion. The walls are painted, light fixtures installed and stippling done. It just needs flooring and trim boards.

Doors are in the process of being painted.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Millwork arrives!

Five or six volunteers met at the church to help Bob and truckdriver Larry, unload millwork from the truck. Interior doors, cabinetry etc. were unloaded in record time by the willing workers.

Thankfully, the doors were light! Here Pr. Daryl carries in a door while Pr. Ron waits his turn.

Dennis and Pr. Daryl carefully lay the door on the others while Lila supervises.

It was exciting to see our sanctuary cross being carried in by Pr. Daryl, Tony, Pr. Ron and truckdriver Larry.

The cross will eventually be suspended over the partial wall of the sanctuary.
Les has been busy building the raised part of the chancel.

Willing workers, Larry, Bob, Tony, Pr. Ron, Dennis and Pr. Daryl, pose with all the millwork they unloaded.

Lila disappeared before I could take the photo with the millwork. I found her busy cleaning up in the Sunday School area.

The drywallers are re-doing the parish hall ceiling as somehow they ended up with two colours of paint on the ceiling. It's a dusty job and we are thankful that they were conscientious enough to notice it and consequently redo it.

While the volunteers unloaded mother and daughter team, Pearl and Sandy were busy painting in the Sunday School area.

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the States. We here in Outlook, have a lot to be thankful for in the progress we are seeing in the building of our church. To God be the Glory!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Meanwhile, Back at the Old Church...

The 'Old Church' was a happening place on Tuesday afternoon as well. Diapers had to be folded, layettes had to be packed, and Maureen was anxious to get some sorting and cleaning done prior to our move.

Here, LCBI president Cindi, and Bethlehem secrectary Maureen, pose with the LCBI 'Take Out Tuesday' students who came to help clean out under the stair well and pack layettes.

Helping the ELW ladies pack layettes for Lutheran World Relief, was the fun part of the afternoon.

These girls got Garbage detail. The students helped clean out the storage area under the stairwell. As you can imagine, a lot of "stuff" was stored under here. This area has had its damp moments. The resulting odour was not always pleasant!

Some of the girls got to shred some old papers.

We would like to say a special "Thank You" to all the students who helped this afternoon. You have done yourselves and your school proud!

Exciting Progress!

It was very exciting visiting the new church today! So much was going on! The trades people were there as well as some LCBI students for 'Take Out Tuesday".

The electricians are installing light fixtures!

Les is back to build the stage for the chancel area.

The secretary's and the pastor's offices have been undercoated and are ready for the next coat of paint.

Pearl undercoats the nursery.

We took advantage of LCBI's 'Take Out Tuesday'. Staff supervisor Cliff, demonstrates the proper technique for moving dirt!

LCBI students were busy sweeping up after the mudding job.

Time to use that broom! Others got to haul in plywood.

BA gets to use the bobcat to move dirt but the students...

have to use the old fashioned method!

Thanks to our potato farmer, JohnW., we have top soil ready to be spread and worked in.

If you get a chance to visit our new church site, please do so. There is usually somebody around from 9 to 5 on weekdays or I am sure you can find someone to show you around on weekends!