Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Meanwhile, Back at the Old Church...

The 'Old Church' was a happening place on Tuesday afternoon as well. Diapers had to be folded, layettes had to be packed, and Maureen was anxious to get some sorting and cleaning done prior to our move.

Here, LCBI president Cindi, and Bethlehem secrectary Maureen, pose with the LCBI 'Take Out Tuesday' students who came to help clean out under the stair well and pack layettes.

Helping the ELW ladies pack layettes for Lutheran World Relief, was the fun part of the afternoon.

These girls got Garbage detail. The students helped clean out the storage area under the stairwell. As you can imagine, a lot of "stuff" was stored under here. This area has had its damp moments. The resulting odour was not always pleasant!

Some of the girls got to shred some old papers.

We would like to say a special "Thank You" to all the students who helped this afternoon. You have done yourselves and your school proud!

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