Friday, August 31, 2007

Insulating the Sunday School area

Lila's sweatshirt illustrates our skill level! (Confused state! What was the question?? Eg. How do we insulate???)
Then Bob and Steve to the rescue! Bob gave us the safety lecture (Don those dust masks, careful with the utility knives, etc.) and Steve demonstrated how we were to install the insulation.

Let the insulating begin! Keep that mask on! Watch the step ladder!

We could only do the education wing as the electricians still had work to do in the sanctuary and the fellowship area, so we were done by 10:30 am. So time for coffee at CJ's!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

VBS Avalanche Ranch Huge Success!

Approximately 107 students and 40 staff members met every morning from Aug. 13 to the 17 at the chapel at LCBI for a "wild ride through God's Word!" The students responded with incredible enthusiasm for God's message presented in a ranch setting. They even got to ride a horse - both a real horse and an imaginary horse! Each day, more and more cowboy hats showed up as students got into the spirit of the week.

The Chapel was packed!

Participation was enthusiastic!

The weather cooperated for outdoor activities.

What a conclusion!
Next year, we will be able to use our new church for VBS!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Volunteer Day

Volunteers gathered on Saturday, Aug. 25 , under the guidance of our site director , Bob to paint, make temporary drain troughs, drill holes, move insulation, cut out vents and clean up. We had hoped to be stuffing insulation but our electricians were not able to finish wiring in time. That's a big pile of garbage to sort and clean up. How much wood can a woodchuck chuck? Quite a bit if we can all keep up to Helen!
Who's hiding behind the drill?
How can I incorporate this in my Sermon tomorrow????

Master Driller Cam at work.
Cliff and Andrew supervise Tony as he tries to pick the lock on the tool chest! (PS. They had to call in the exports!)

Truck loaded and ready for the garbage dump! "Make sure someone follows me. I'm not sure if the truck will make it!"

What happened to all that garbage?

We even installed a door or two!
How do you like our newly styled door????

Tony and Bob pack up after a hard day's work!

Time to go home!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

August 22 Church Pictures

Miracles continue to happen! The Electricians weren't supposed to arrive until next week but God arranged it so that they were able to come this week.
Consequently, we will need all the help we can get on Saturday, August 25, to stuff insulation in readiness for the drywallers!

It's a long way from the kitchen through the fellowship hall to the front of the sanctuary!

The scissor lift is very handy in installing the last bit of siding!

The front entrance still needs Doors!

Craft Show and Tea

Light shines through the church in this beautifully crafted quilt!

LCBI Quilt crafted in the 1950's

Lots of Quilts!

More Quilts, needlework, & CLWR projects from recycled materials.

Needlework on display

Barbie Clothes and wordwork - Noah's ark and horse and sleigh.

Needlework and crocheting.

CLWR materials and stained glass nativity scene.

Dressmaking skills on display.


MC and organizer, Helen encourages laughter!

Diesel fitter (Des will fit her) Sven and Sewer Ole team up to get Canadian citizenship!
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Songwriter Bev, and national award winning composer, Vandana entertain us with their original compositions!

LCBI Pres. Cindi shares her story and her vision for LCBI

Mary, Queen of Scots, even visited us!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

August 15 pictures

Rick and Bob check mesurements and keep everybody on track!
The Sanctuary windows have been installed.
Many sheets of plywood are already down to provide a good base for the flooring.
The roofing should be done by Friday! Hopefully that means we won't have to worry about the rain anymore!

The Siding is being installed! Note the new windows. Most of them are installed as well!
Make sure that siding is straight!

Hard at work!

Wrapped and ready for siding! - Fellowship area.

The Sunday School area wrapped and ready!

God has certainly blessed us as we move forward with the building of our church. Continue to pray for this project and that the trades people will be able to keep up the pace! We are about 1 week ahead of schedule but may have to wait for electrical and mechanical people to finish before we can do the insulation etc.