Thursday, September 27, 2007

"Poly"VolunteersSept 26

A good turn out of volunteers to put the poly on the ceiling, supervised by the poly pro, Steven Ulven.

Tony, making an adjustment

David and Paul

Tim Haugen in the heights

Grant Pederson

Lloyd Hermanson

Erwin Friesen from Elbow

Ernie Anderson

A view from aloft

Phil Johnson on the ladder on the scaffold, a precarious perch

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday School Visits New Church

The Sunday School got a chance to visit the new church on Sunday, September 23 during the regular Sunday School hour. They appropriately began their tour in what will be the Sunday School assembly room. Here, hands go up and mouths are closed!

Everybody wants to see!
The students were divided into four groups with group leaders. Here group leader, Dennis tells the students about the cross that will be at the front of the sanctuary.
"And this is where the kitchen will be," group leader Tony points out.
All students got to write their names on the wall. Here, group leader Lorne, makes sure that they follow the directions outlined by Sunday School superintendent, Kirsti.
Darlene's group listens while she explains the need for insulation in the Sunday School walls.
Time to go to the next room!
"This is the crying room, where mothers can take their babies if they cry during service," Darlene explains.
This Sunday School room is gyprocked and ready for taping, mudding, painting, flooring, furnishing etc. etc. and then the students can move in!

Leif leaves his mark! (Yes, the students were told not to write their names on the walls at home .... )
Time to go back to the old church again!
Thank you to Kirsti and the Sunday School teachers for giving our younger members a chance to visit the new church. Also thanks to the parents who showed up. I'm sure they were all impressed with the spacious new area they will soon have for Sunday School!

Insulating and Gyprock

The Gyprockers have arrived! They have begun work in the Sunday School area. Here, careful measurements prevent mistakes!

Make sure you get the screw on the 2 x 4!
I'll get the drill for you!

Finally, the sanctuary is insulated. Some very brave souls braved the heights to complete it!

Our happy electrician!
I need to go higher to finish insulating! Be careful, Ron!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Electrical Work and Clean Up!

Ben, the busy electrician

Dwayne Preus, "Mr. Electric" gives a helping hand.

Bob painting "Stonehenge" with Jorgen supervising!

Our youngest volunteer, Alexander, helping Grandma Darlene clean up on Monday. Alexander was also a big help in taking scrape wood to the garbage!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday Volunteers, Sept. 15

Saturday saw a number of volunteers come out to insulate, put up vapour barrier, do some caulking etc. It was a beautiful day - a great day for gardening, harvesting etc. so we really thank those who took time to come out and help.Steve and Dennis access the situation and ponder the next step. (Or are they just waiting for coffee break?)

Ron and Lila "Doctoring" up the cracks in the wall!

Make sure you get that insulation in the right place! Is it trimmed properly? I think I'll supervise Cam from down here!
Look real closely and you'll see Linda, Wayne and Kelly WAY UP, UP, UP, there!

Our fireplace is installed! Note the unique framing we've added to enhance the beauty of the fireplace!

Lila and Dennis enjoy the Fireside Lounge at coffee time!

Do you like our modern couch that Catherine and Avis are sitting on? Steve does even better with feature arm chair. Note our up to date coffee table!
Our church should be well built! After all, we have not one, but two "holy fathers" helping us! Here Pr. Daryl and Pr. Ron take a well deserved break. Both have spent many hours volunteering at the church!

A great time to come to visit is at coffee time. Here Janet, Mrs. Haugen, Catherine and Mrs. Akre join us for coffee and get a feel for the Fireside Lounge. We have already decided that this will probably become the most popular room in our new church!

BA was just too busy to join us for coffee! (Or was it that the coffee was not strong enough for him????)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Volunteers Needed!

How are your carpentry skills? Bob, our site foreman is looking for semi-skilled or skilled carpenters to help on a daily basis now. Any help would be appreciated.

We will be starting to insulate again on Wednesday, Sept. 12. Again, if you can help out, come up at about 9 o'clock and we will put you to work.

Work Continues

Progress on the church is not as visible as it was when walls, floors and siding went up, but the plumbers have been busy installing heating systems, ducting etc. Here we see some of the pipes for our Sunday School washrooms.

The electricians are no slouches either! I'm sure glad I don't have to figure out where all these wires have to go!

Even our fireplace is here for the Fireside Lounge! Hopefully it will soon be more aesthetically pleasing!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

How would you like to spend your day off?

Steve and his helpers spent labour day putting plastic on the ceiling of the Sunday School area and the vapour barrier over the insulation that had been installed last Wednesday.

Steve, our master insulator, trims the vapour barrier.

"Where should I staple next? Bryce, who is new to our community, quickly proves to be a very handy addition to our congregation!

"Just what I wanted to do on my day off! Make sure you have the sticky side of that tape on the plastic, Bruce!