Friday, August 8, 2008

Mission Team

Pr. Daryl, Sherryl, Maureen and Ruth left today to join the BC Mission Boat. They will be stopping in at different isolated communities along the BC coast to bring them the Good News! Please pray for them that they have a safe journey as they share the Gospel with these communities!

Outlook Centennial Parade a Success!

Members of Bethlehem Lutheran Church had a lot of fun getting a float ready for Outlook's Centennial Parade.The Ulven family represented the congregation in the old church. Bethlehem Lutheran Church was formed in 1911 and Steve, Krista, Thane and Hadyn dressed the part!

Pr. Daryl preaches to the present day congregation sitting on some of our new pew chairs.

We even used the cross from the old church building.

Pr. Tom Nilson dressed in the traditional albs of the earlier years!

The BLC Angels, Ernie, Lorne and Bryce follow the float.

Driver, Mike, consults with Pr. Nilson.

The Sunday School rode in the back of the truck. Darrold and Kristie were the teachers!

Bethlehem Lutheran - In mission since 1911

You are invited to join us for WORSHIP
eg, through Sunday School, ELW, Youth Group, Bible Studies, or fellowship