Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Confirmation Tea

The Education Committee hosted a Confirmation Tea for all the confirmands on Tuesday, May 27 at 7:30 pm. Saskatchewan River Confirmands were also honoured as they took their confirmation instruction at Bethlehem Lutheran with Pr. Daryl.

Maureen Weiterman was MC for the evening.

Bea Adelman was the guest speaker. She talked about what confirmation meant to her, what it means to the present confirmation class and what it means to God.

Pr. Daryl had a few last words to say and presented each confirmand present with a small token from the Education Committee and the new Lutheran prayer book from himself.

Confirmands sat with their families.

Pr. Daryl gives the Outlook confirmands last minute instructions for Confirmation Sunday, June 1. Saskatchewan River students were confirmed on May 25.

Emma, Andrew, Troy, Hokken and Eric listen attentively!

Our new Baptismal Font crafted by Lorne Hovdestad!

It will be used for the first time on Confirmation Sunday as one of our confirmands will be baptized and confirmed on that day!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Appreciation Supper May 25, 2008

The church council hosted an Appreciation Supper for the trades people who worked on our church. Those attending enjoyed a supper of roast tenderloin pork prepared by master chef, Dale, and coaxed to perfection by Evelyn, mashed potatoes, gravy, coleslaw, mixed vegetables, pickles, applesauce, and topped off with gingerbread cake with strawberries and whipped cream.

There is lots to choose from!

Approximately 55 people enjoyed their meal
in our new parish hall.

The younger people were more
interested in their toys
than the roast pork!

That's Les!!

Trades people, council, and the building committee with immediate families took part.

Erla, June and Evelyn masterminded the kitchen!

Amanda entertained us with a flute solo.

Representatives from each trade were presented with a framed photo of the new church.

Hank Halseth and crew did the cement work.

President of church council, Garth Weiterman, and president of the building committee, Tony Peter, present Dwayne Preus with a plaque for the electrical trade.

Les Engen and crew did the framing. He was most impressed with the coffee and cake the congregation provided for coffee time while on the job!

Jim Johnson and crew did the plumbing and heating.

Pearl Isbister did a super job of the painting and staining!
If you need painting without a mess, call on Pearl!

We are built on a firm foundation due to the gravel and fill
provided by Dale Wright and crew.

Perry Halonen and crew hung and keyed our doors.

Jim Johnson gets a long overdue hug from Lorne Hovdestad.
Jim was having a rough day and needed to vent.
Then he wanted a big hug and he knew he would be all right!

Unfortunately, not all trades could make it. We feel so fortunate, here at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, to have worked with these trades. In a time of cost overruns and major delays, our trades people worked hard so we were able to stay within our budget stay reasonably close to our projected completion date. Many of the trades gave us a reduced rate and were willing to work with volunteers.

We still have some work to do. Our parking lot should be paved shortly and landscaping is an ongoing project. Howeve, our church is fully functional now, and we are certainly enjoying our new facility!

Thank you to all the TRADES, SUPPLIERS and VOLUTEERS who made this project a reality!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Work Continues

Our new church has been busy with all the activities that take place on a regular basis. Sometimes we are so busy we forget to take pictures! I am hoping to get some from other people soon. We have had a visit from Bishop Cindy, a stelar performance from Fisherman Friends and some local talent, a Sunday School Teachers' Appreciation lunch, and of course, our regular coffee times after church, Sunday School, Confirmation classes, ELW meetings and the list goes on.

Construction has also continued. Hank and his crew have been busy installing curbs for the parking area in readiness for the paving crew which should arrive in town in June or July.

The landscaping committee has been busy planning and buying and planting shrubs.

Soon, the picture of our church will include pavement and larger shrubs!