Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Recent Events

Christmas Schedule:
Dec. 24 - Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at 7:30 Pm
Dec. 25 - Communion Service at 11:15 am
Dec. 28 - 11:15 am
Please Join Us!

Our church has been well used. The annual Christmas Concert put on by our Sunday School was on December 14. Once again, we were treated to the Christmas story reenacted by our Sunday School. It was a delightful performance, reminding us of the real reason for our Christmas celebrations.

Waiting is sometimes the hardest - especially when you are in costume!

The angel spoke from "on high"!

The Kitchen Committee sponsored a Pancake breakfast on December 7th to raise money to buy items for the kitchen. It was a time of great fellowship!

The kitchen crew hard at work!

Our annual Christmas Banquet was a huge success.

Pr. Harley from Saskatoon, involved the audience in his presentation.

Special Delivery entertained us with a number of uplifting Christmas songs.

Christmas lighting greeted you as you entered the fellowship hall.

Craft and Bake Sale Huge Success!

The live auction is always entertaining! Gordon and Dale were our auctioneers.

Mission Work

Ladies make gowns, sweaters, etc. at home for layettes and then we get together for a "Button" party!

Our ELW has for years made quilts and layettes to send off to Lutheran World Relief for distribution to third world countries. We packed 113 layettes and 162 quilts.

Layette packing assembly line!

On the first Tuesday of the month, between 4 and 10 people go to Saskatoon to volunteer at Imed - Food for the hungry.

Medical machines are repaired and sent off to needy destinations.

Len had to build a storage container before packing up supplies for shipment.

Elaine, Arlene and Krista help sort, fold and pack hospital linens.

Sunday School

Once a month is craft day at Sunday School. In October, they could carve pumpkins - but had to use a Christian theme instead of the usual jack-o-lanterns. This group carver out "LOVE".

We are enjoying our paved parking lot. The lines will go on in the spring.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Download the December Proclaimer!

The Proclaimer (our monthly congregational newsletter) is now available for download!

The Proclaimer for December 2008

Sorry that this is so late - the next Proclaimer should be posted in a more timely manner.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Parking Lot Paved

United Paving from Swift Current arrived on Friday, Oct. 24 and began paving our parking lot. They worked on Saturday and completed all but a small part of the parking lot. We were able to use it on Sunday, though!

Looking Northeast

Southeast Sunday School Wing

Starting the front area

In front of the Kitchen area.

They will probably finish on Monday. They are also paving a patio area on the east side of the church. Barbecue anyone??

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Busy Week

It was a busy week. It began with quilting on Monday morning which continued through Friday. Two groups from Sask. Historical High Schools also met in our church on Monday. The presidents and principals met in the Fireside Lounge while the deans met in the Youth Room. The Quilters used the Sunday School Assembly area as well as 4 of the Sunday School rooms. On Wednesday, the Mission Group met in the Fireside Lounge. We are making good use of our new building!

We had an average of 14 ladies show up every day to quilt. It was the first time in our new church so we had to experiment to find the most efficient way to set up!

Jan, June, Iris and Doreen set up in the big Sunday School room. They "sandwiched" the tops, and backs together with a filler.

Doreen K, Phyllis, Ona and Doreen C. tie the quilts as the final step in the quilt making process.

Avis is handy with the iron while Lila pins the quilt together in readiness for sewing.

The Sunday School Assembly room was busy as we pieced together quilts, ironed seams and sewed. Here we see Diane ironing, Lila and Sara in consultation, Myrtle sewing and Leslie - probably finding just the right piece to finish off a back.

Coffee and fellowship are important! After all, we are Lutherans!!!

Our ever willing model, Carrie, can always find some interesting attire!

Syrha and Rebecca from LCBI were two of the four students who came to help out on Tuesday afternoon. Here they are packing layettes. They also folded diapers for us.

Kathleen and Kait help tie quilts.

I didn't see these guys in the quilting room! Somehow, they showed up for coffee though! (I have to admit that I did see two big spruce trees in the yard which they had dug up and transplanted for us!)

At the end of the week, we had 150 complete quilts with about 25 "fit to be tied!" We will meet again to finish tying these quilts, sew buttons on layette items, and then pack up the quilts and layettes for shipment to Winnipeg.


Garth and Maureen hosted the mission prayer breakfast on Wednesday, Oct. 22 at the church. Everybody is invited to come out for breakfast at 7 am and stay for a brief prayer meeting. This breakfast was special in that we had special prayer for Lorne and Darlene as they prepare to leave for the Haggai Institute in Hawaii. We also keep Arlin and Ruth Olson in our prayers as they serve in Afghanistan.

The food is delicious and it is always good to start your day with prayer!

Kitchen Shower

About 35 people attended our "giftless" kitchen shower. It was an evening of entertainment, games and good fellowship.

Our capable MC, Bea, kept the evening going. Her most challenging part was to explain to poor Miss Fanny that there was no bride at this shower!

Miss Fanny in person! And where is the bride??? Isn't this a shower?

Margo kept us in stitches as she sang about the ELW and how "We've always done it this way" is kind of hard to say when it is the first time in this church!

Kirstie and Sherryl have a hard time unwrapping their presents!

Ernie shows them how! Just use your teeth!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, October 15 at 7:30 pm - Giftless Kitchen Shower sponsored by the Kitchen committee.  There will be a list of items we would like for our new church that we will be accepting donations for.  There will be entertainment and a pot luck lunch.  Everybody is welcome!

Tuesday, October 21:  Outlook and District Food Bank Drive starting at 6:30 pm  Donations of brown beans, canned veggies and fruits, pasta, fruit juice, salmon/tuna, peanut butter, cereal or any basic non-perishable item.  Please, NO PUDDING OR CAKE MIXES!  Leave at the front of your house and mark it "Food Bank".  Turn your front light on.  Thank you.

Wednesday, October 29 at 7:30 pm:  the Gideons are hosting a Festival of Praise to raise money for Bibles at our church.  Everybody Welcome!

If you are interested in joining our church, please talk to Pr. Daryl.  Membership  Classes will be available upon request.

We continue to build...

Our church building is finished so now we continue to build - the real church that is. Regular services continue each Sunday with one service at 9 am and the second service at 11:15 am. except for the first Sunday of the month when we all worship at 11:15. This is usually followed by a pot luck lunch. Sunday School for ages 3 through adult is at 10:00 am.
We have hosted two big funerals lately making good use of the overflow seating in the fellowship hall and Sunday School area. Our kitchen facilities were also put to the test!

Our Mission Committee has been busy. They host a prayer breakfast the third Wednesday of the month in different homes. Our BC mission team were guest speakers at our annual Thanksgiving Praise service on October 5. Another group went into Saskatoon to work at Food for the Hungry - the Intertnational Medical Equipment Distribution Program. They collect used medical equipment, sort and fix it up to be sent to needy countries. Not only does it help the recipients but it helps our landfill sites as well! We all benefit!

We started with a talk on the background work and some of the various projects. We also had a tour of the facility.

The warehouse was filled to the ceiling with mattresses, wheelchairs, tables, equipment and they told us there was often much more!

After the tour, we had our coffee break!
Then the work began! Here, Ron and Myron help organize and get container loads ready for shipment.

Elaine, Kae, Darlene and Lila sort and fold linens.

Lorne and Pr. Daryl got to fix medical lights etc.

There were nine people who went. Thanks to Pr. Daryl, Lorne and Darlene, Ron and Lila, Myron and Kae, Elaine and Betty who helped in this very worthwhile project. We are hoping to go in once a month so if you are interested, let Maureen, or anyone of the mission committee know and I am sure we can put you to work!

Sunday School is in full swing again! (However, it is never too late to join!) They are using a different format this year. The main lesson for ages 3 to Grade 6 is taught as a big group lesson. Students are encouraged to be Flipt for Jesus by choosing to respond to situations the way Jesus would. This is followed by a smaller group session which reinforces the main lesson. Grades 7 to 9 continue to meet in the Youth room.

About 65 students attend Sunday School.

The main lesson encourages participation of the students and includes a video presentation.

Here, flipping pancakes is used to illustrate how we should be flipt!